Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Gene Key 29
Half-Heartedness – Commitment – Devotion
✨ Leaping into the Void ✨
“This Gene Key has a certain genius, and it’s a funny kind of genius. It’s about making luck. It’s true. When we aren’t drawn into emotional or desire decisions, then we create the conditions for good fortune.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
In Gene Keys, Gene Key 29 is about perseverance and commitment.
Shadow: Half-Heartedness 👉
In this state, people either commit to things that are not right for them or fail to follow through on what they start. It manifests as saying “yes” to everything without discernment or fearing failure.
Gift: Commitment 👉
When the shadow is seen and accepted and ultimately transcended; a true commitment to what genuinely resonates with one’s inner self emerges. This is about staying devoted to the right path that then leads to your growth and transformation.
Siddhi: Devotion 👉
At the highest frequency, commitment transforms into *devotion* where life is lived in a state of trust and surrender. This is the path of *effortless flow*, where one aligns completely with the *greater intelligence of the universe.*
This Gene Key teaches the power of saying “yes” with full presence, embracing life fully rather than hesitating or fearing what might come next. It’s about trusting the journey and following through with integrity.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse brings about powerful shifts and in with it being Gene Key 29 this could amplify themes of perseverance and commitment for the us all. The energy of a lunar eclipse tends to reveal hidden truths, prompting us to face where we might not be fully committed or where we could be holding back from making long term decisions that could create more harmony and balance.
This Full Moon might trigger a need to look at what we are giving our energy too. Are we truly committed to their path? or are we just halfway there? Where are we blocking ourself? We may be forced to confront areas in our lives where we have previously been hesitant, distracted or uncertain. The eclipse energy could push us/ force us to make a decision to either fully commit or to let go of what no longer serves us.
Physiology GK 29 👉 Sacral
The sacral center in the body relates to our life force; the energy that fuels our decisions and actions. It is about responding to life and offers us the energy to engage in the right commitments and decisions. It’s not about force but more about trusting what naturally aligns with us and our authentic self.
When we look at the sacral and what this represents, it’s the area of the body tied to reproductive organs and the pelvic region, where creative life force energy is created and stored! This is where we process and respond to the world around us through a gut feeling or an instinctive response. When in harmony it’s like our inner navigation system and compass, guiding us to know what is right for us.
Are you noticing any of these shifts playing out in your life? Let me know if your are noticing these energies.
~ Leigh-Marie